Thinking Is Power at CSICon 2023: FLOATER

FLOATER: A Life Preserver for Staying Afloat in a Sea of Misinformation

From the Center for Inquiry:

“The FLOATER toolkit was developed to provide a structured and systematic way to think through claims. The toolkit’s seven key principles—Falsifiability, Logic, Objectivity, Alternative Explanations, Tentative Conclusions, Evidence, and Replicability—can save you from drowning in a sea of misinformation.

Melanie Trecek-King is the creator of Thinking Is Power, an online resource that provides engaging and accessible critical thinking content. Trecek-King is an associate professor of biology at Massasoit Community College, where she teaches a general-education science course designed to equip students with empowering critical thinking, information literacy, and science literacy skills. An active speaker and consultant, Trecek-King loves to share her “teach skills, not facts” approach with other science educators and to help schools and organizations meet their goals through better thinking.”

This talk took place on October 27, 2023 at CSICon, the Center for Inquiry‘s annual conference.

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