Thinking Is Power on Willing to Listen Podcast

From”Willing to Listen – South Bruce Proud” podcast with host Sheila Whytock:

Episode 32: Part 1: “Melanie is the creator of the website Thinking Is Power.  In today’s episode, Part 1 of a 2 part series, we discuss several topics related to critical thinking, such as: What is science? Why do we need it? How is scientific consensus built? How do we know what information is reliable? And how do we know which experts are real experts?”

Episode 33: Part 2: “In Part 2 of our Thinking is Power episodes with Melanie Trecek-King we discuss Science Pretenders (Pseudoscience and Science Denial).”

Learn more:

The problem with doing your own research
How to do your own research
Don’t be fooled…fact check!
FLOATER: A toolkit for staying afloat in a sea of misinformation

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