Conspiracy theories about 5G abound, and the hucksters are pouncing. For almost $400, the 5G BioShield USB Key claims to protect against the “harmful effects of imbalanced electric radiation.” I don’t like to waste money (okay, I’m cheap), so let’s dissect this claim. Does it make sense?
First, is 5G dangerous?
5G technology allows for faster wireless speeds, and its higher energy radiation has led to fears about health impacts. It’s true that ionizing radiation, such as UV light, can damage cells and DNA. However, 5G’s millimeter waves are non-ionizing, and do not have enough energy to damage cells.

So what about the 5G BioShield?
It’s website says it uses “quantum oscillation” that “balances and reharmonizes the disturbing frequencies arising from the electric fog induced by devices,” that it “restores the coherence of the geometry of the atoms…. by (re-) creating a cardiac coherence, via plasmic support and interactivity,” and “emits a large number of life force frequencies favoring a general revitalization of the body.”

Wowsers, what a load of psychobabble! It sure sounds profound, complete with big sciencey words… but basically it said nothing. And they’re charging almost $400 to protect you against something you don’t need protection from!
The take-home message
As always, critical thinking and a healthy level of skepticism are your best protection against fraudsters. This claim doesn’t pass the smell test, so save your money. Not only is 5G not dangerous, cybersecurity experts in the UK have concluded that the “5G BioShield” is just a USB stick with a cheap sticker inside.
Thinking is power.
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