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Thinking Is Power
Because Knowledge is not Enough!
Thinking Is Power on Why Smart Women Podcast
Thinking Is Power on Why Smart Women Podcast

Melanie Trecek-King from Thinking Is Power joins Annie McCubbin on the Why Smart Women Podcast to discuss critical thinking.

Thinking Is Power on The Canadian Atheist Podcast
Thinking Is Power on The Canadian Atheist Podcast

Melanie Trecek-King from Thinking Is Power joins The Canadian Atheist Podcast to talk critical thinking and information literacy education.

Thinking Is Power on the Sustainability Education Podcast
Thinking Is Power on the Sustainability Education Podcast

Melanie Trecek-King from Thinking Is Power joins Stefan T. Siegel on the Sustainability Education Podcast to discuss common myths.

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Welcome to Thinking Is Power!

Knowledge might be power, but there’s too much for any one person to know. We’re drowning in information and bombarded with claims….How do we figure out what to believe? 

The answer is better thinking!

Thinking Is Power was created by Melanie Trecek-King to teach critical thinking in an accessible and (hopefully) entertaining way. If you want to learn how to save money, make better decisions, and avoid being fooled or harmed, this site is for you!

Are you an educator or parent interested in curriculum or activity ideas?
Visit the For Educators page.

Social Media

Follow TIP on social media for a daily(ish) dose of critical thinking!


What Others Are Saying

Thinking Is Power manages a pitch-perfect balance between ideas and empathy. With a celebration of “how to think” over “what to think,” its content is easy to digest, fun to look at, and relatable to everyday lives. Wonderful stuff.

Seth Andrews

The Thinking Atheist

I have been visiting regularly and find the content provided by Melanie Trecek-King to be reliably informative and thoughtfully presented. Melanie excels in making complex subjects more accessible, encouraging readers to think critically about various topics. Her articles are well-researched and present clear, concise viewpoints that are easy to follow and understand.

Anthony Magnabosco

Executive Director Street Epistemology

Practical critical thinking tools, shareable content, accessible analysis, and great graphics, the world needs more of this! In this era of misinformation and science spin, I’m deeply thankful for science communicators like Melanie!

Timothy Caulfield, PhD

Author, Professor University of Alberta

Thinking Is Power is the very definition of how to put logic and critical thinking to good use in our troubled world. Socrates would be a fan, and so am I.

Lee McIntyre, PhD

Author, Philosopher Boston University

Trecek-King has a knack for explaining philosophical concepts in a lucid and accessible way.

Maarten Boundry, PhD

Philosopher Ghent University

Trecek-King has demonstrated mastery of science communication on historically challenging topics that require an incisive yet careful approach, such as pseudoscience, science literacy, and critical thinking. This kind of work is a public service.

Jonathan N. Stea, PhD, R. Psych

Author, Psychologist University of Calgary

Trecek-King’s approach to science literacy and critical thinking is innovative and accessible, refined over years of practical experience in the classroom.

John Cook, PhD

Author, Founder Skeptical Science

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